35mm FIlm Simulations

I've always loved the look of film, probably because I grew up with taking photo's on film camera's, Over the years of shooting Nikon I tried my hardest to emulate, straight out of camera, the look of film, however I never quite achieved this. Of course, you can edit photographs later, however, I really like to, where possible, get it right in camera. This means, getting the composition, the horizon and most importantly, the look right, so I can happily use my photos with little to no editing. Moving on to 2019 and I now use a FujiFilm X-T20 mirrorless camera, which has Fuji film simulations, which are massively tweakable and not only make the photo's look like film, but you can add your own twist to them. This selection highlights some of my favourite photographs, as they look straight out of the camera! I hope you enjoy.

Classic Chrome

"Soft color and enhanced shadow contrast for a calm look". Click on the images for a larger view.


"Take black-and-white photos with rich gradation and outstanding sharpness." Click on image for larger view.


"A high-contrast palette of saturated colors, suited to nature photos." Click on image for larger view.

Other Film Simulations

The GPWNPT page features images converted into the Eterna film simulation. They are not included here as they are not as they look straight out of camera. I'll also be adding Astia, Provia, Pro Neg Hi, Pro Neg Std and possibly others at a later date.



"A classic take on Kodak's Kodachrome film."


"Enhances the range of hues available for skin tones in portraits while preserving the bright blues of daylight skies."